Friday, November 21, 2014

Ladies "Thank you" for a job well done this morning with your group presentations!! Each group demonstrated that they took the project seriously and and placed lots of thought into their answers!!

 We are all in this "thing" together...our goal is "each one teach one and each one reach one"!!

Thank you so much for your hard work and dedicated service.

Each of you used your name and shared attributes about yourselves...remember the adjectives you used to describe yourselves and hold on to those words...each one of you is truly unique and the molds were broken after you were created!!! I don't think the world could handle two of you!!!!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

School Readiness Goals

Hello Ladies here is our new Blog activity for the week . We will be discussing our School Readiness Goals.

1. Our goal or outcome for Social Emotional Development Domain states:  
"Children will establish and maintain social relationships with peers and adults.

2. Our outcome for Language and Literacy-Receptive language states:
"Children will follow detailed, multi-step directions." 

3. and our outcome for Self Regulation/Emotional and Behavioral Health states:
"Children will demonstrate self-regulation by controlling their strong emotions in an appropriate manner most of the time.

Your task as a group (center) is to demonstrate how this outcome is measured, what tool(s) are used to measure outcomes, what data have you collected and what are you doing with the data after collection and hummmmm one activity that is currently being implemented that ensures the goal is met.

Each site is assigned one of the above SR goals:  
Hare Valley #1   Hallwood #2    and ESECDC #3  

The deadline for this project is November 20th....This time you can select one person from your center to post on behalf of your group, I will be sharing at our Staff development day (21st)!
Happy Blogging.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Frog Street Curriculum!!! Some of you have been very vocal when it comes to the Frog Street Curriculum...some like it, some don't, some feel like it's tooooo much work while others could care less as long as their children are making gains!!!

My challenge to you is to tell me 2 and 2!!! 2 positives and 2 negatives!! Is there a catch??? Of course there's a catch! With the 2 negatives tell me how could you make it work better. Someone else may have the same concern.

Remember in order for any curriculum to work with implementation fidelity you as teachers and assistants have to ensure that the curriculum is used with "consistency, frequency, and intensity to ensure a child's mastery of a skill (Wolery, 2005). 

If a child is not progressing as planned, it can be helpful for teachers to examine exactly how teaching was implemented in order to improve the effectiveness of instruction (Luze & Peterson, 2004).

Now it's your turn...let me hear what you are thinking! Deadline for this post is Friday 2:00 p.m.

Happy blogging!!!